Partner With Us

At Aboriginal Design Wear, we believe in the power of collaboration and community. We invite businesses, boutiques, and stores to partner with us to make our authentic First Nation regalia more widely available. If you are interested in carrying our handmade products, including jingle dresses, traditional dresses, fancy dance outfits, ribbon skirts, ribbon pants, leather belts, and beaded earrings, we would love to hear from you.

Please reach out to us via email at to discuss partnership opportunities. By working together, we can share our culture, craftsmanship, and heritage with a larger audience, while supporting the revitalization of Indigenous traditions.

Our Objectives

Our mission is to provide access to First Nation regalia that embodies the beauty, strength, and spirituality of Indigenous culture. To achieve this, we have set the following objectives:

Short-Term Goals

  • Expand Community Outreach: We aim to connect with more Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to raise awareness about the cultural significance of our regalia.
  • Increase Business Partnerships: We are actively seeking partnerships with retailers and businesses who share our vision of promoting Indigenous craftsmanship and cultural heritage.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: We plan to expand the information available on our website, offering deeper insights into the history and meaning behind each product, as well as introducing more customization options.

Long-Term Goals

  • Partner with Indigenous Businesses: We are committed to supporting and collaborating with other Indigenous-owned businesses to strengthen our shared mission of cultural preservation and economic growth.
  • Expand Product Lines: As demand grows, we aim to introduce new product lines that continue to reflect the rich diversity of Indigenous craftsmanship, while staying true to our traditions and values.
  • Contribute to Cultural Revitalization: We plan to increase our participation in cultural events and powwows, ensuring that future generations can continue to wear, cherish, and share the regalia that connects us to our ancestors.